GDPR Answer

new-ideaGDPR Answer for Your Business!

And what are we working on…? The answer is a range of simple cost effective GDPR answers that you can pick and choose from.

We will be releasing the first 10 modules one by one as soon as our Early Adopter Team of small business owners and I have completed the creation.

The formats will vary depending on what will be most useful to you. Of course, there will be templates (because that’s definitely what you need for such as your tailored Privacy Notice) but there will be checklists, podcasts, videos….

Looking around the internet, there doesn’t seem to be very much truly affordable help on offer for solo-run UK businesses and their ordinary day to day GDPR data protection needs. True there are some amazing legal practitioners who offer more in-depth or ’emergency’ solutions but the cost in time and/or money can be prohibitive.

For many small businesses, the emphasis in the media still appears to lie with big businesses. That is still wrong but, the downside for (we) small business owners is that it’s just too easy to miss a major opportunity of showing our customers and clients that we respect them and their rights and we can prove it by how we take care of their personal data. Just as we ourselves want to know that our information is safe and isn’t being sold off to the highest bidder (oh yes, it happens) or used for something we don’t want it to be used for and haven’t agreed to.

No cookie-cutter solutions – you can choose which of the modules are needed for your business. There will also be an Implementation Support Call available that you can buy and use whenever you need it, whether that is at the start, in the middle or after you’ve completed a module.

And there will be offers!

News will be released first in my Facebook groups and in my Small Business Update (subscribe now, if you haven’t already).

Jargon-free GDPR Essentials – coming soon!

GDPR Answer 1

Designed to get your GDPR set up and sorted.

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