Basics of GDPR Course

Basics of the UK GDPR Online Course – £99.00

Get 12 months of access INCLUDING updates & a certificate. Ensure you keep up with changes to the UK Data Protection compliance requirements!

Basics of GDPR Course 1

Basics of the UK GDPR online course:

  • Easy to use online with video tutorials, transcription, and additional notes (whichever best suits your learning style)
  • The course is in bite-sized sections, so you can complete it all (takes around 1.5.hours) or dip in as you prefer
  • A certificate is provided for successful completion (as many times as you wish)
  • Access for 12 months from purchase
  • Updates to keep everything accurate
  • Use the materials as a reference for quick and easy answers

Basics of the UK GDPR online course: GDPR requires you (and your team) to be trained and aware of your data protection responsibilities. Practically speaking, you should undertake at least one general data protection training course per year. However, you may need other additional types of training to maintain a reasonable standard of knowledge, depending on your business and industry.

Take this course to learn the basics of the UK GDPR and retain your course certificate in your records as evidence.

  • Annual payment Step-by-Step subscribers get this course FREE
  • Monthly payment Step-by-Step subscribers get a 20% member discount

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*Small Business Update