Kate-Baker Step-by-Step-GDPR-for-VAs


Step-by-Step for VAs is the answer to…

Anxiety – Compliance causes anxiety for many virtual assistants and their small business owner clients – often the VA worries on behalf of their client.

Lack of time – Small business owners often have the issue of not having enough time to handle the day-to-day compliance admin tasks that are necessary to be compliant. They would love to have this handled by a trusted VA.

Risk – GDPR is familiar to almost all VAs and small business owners but that’s not the only compliance legislation that has to be followed.

Not knowing – Recognising the need to be compliant in your business is an essential and positive first step. Knowing what is necessary and how to handle it practically is where it all starts to become a concern.

Tech matters – Add to that the tech aspects of working online such as making the best use of your best-fit apps and platforms and doing all you can to stay cyber-safe and overwhelm could be on the horizon, or worse still, tech or cyber-safety issues.

Practical answers – That’s where I come in. My Step-by-Step for VAs Compliance Toolkit with online support includes the essentials you need to build an easy-to-use admin system to fulfil your legal responsibilities. It works for VAs and small business owners who have a VA who deals with the practicalities of their business’s compliance (or want one that does).

For VAs, there is a Multi-client licensed membership or those of your clients*. All with my support so you don’t have to be an expert.

For Small Business Owners, there is a single business membership covering your VA** for your business. You also have access to the training and support – check the details below for more information.

IMPORTANT: Step-by-Step for VAs covers UK compliance requirements. This means it is designed for UK-based VAs and UK-based small businesses. The Toolkit is built on widely used Microsoft products, video and file formats e.g. PDF.

*As a Step-by-Step VA multi-client member YOU are individually licensed to use the resources in your clients’ businesses. There is no limit on the number of clients you serve besides your practical capacity. N.B. Associates and teams are not covered

**As a Step-by-Step Small Business Owner member, resource and support access is for a single VA with compliance admin responsibilities for a single business. Both you and your VA are welcome to attend training and support sessions. If you change VAs, access will be transferred to your new VA (when you, the SBO notify me) to ensure continuous support.


The Founder’s Offer is at a very low price and includes exclusive extras (details below). There are only 10 places available for this one-time offer.

OPTION ONE – VA MULTI-CLIENT: The first option is for a VA who wants to offer a reliable paid compliance admin service to selected existing or new clients. Improve the safety and ease of your VA business and do the same for your selected clients.

OPTION TWO – VA for a SMALL BUSINESS OWNER (SINGLE BUSINESS): The second option is for a small business owner who wants to improve their business’s compliance but wants to safely rely on their VA to handle the practical administration tasks that need to be done.

What you get apart from Peace of Mind – Read This!

  • Unlimited individual access to the online Toolkit with training resources, downloadable templates and other materials. Everything you need to create and maintain a highly usable compliance framework for a small business
  • Updates and resources in the Toolkit to match new & changed requirements plus tech improvements that become available in the fast-changing market
  • Weekly group implementation and support sessions
  • License to use all the materials for your client’s business
  • Access to the private Step-by-Step and Shiny Facebook Community Group to ask questions and connect with other VAs and small business owners
  • Free access to my Basics of UK GDPR online course (normal price £99) with a certificate, which fulfils the requirement for your basic training at least annually in line with the legislation
  • Live online training Masterclasses with recording access to help you with key issues and any changes to data protection requirements (non-members pay £27 for each recording)
  • Member’s 20% discount on all eligible Virtualgo2 services (current and yet to be released), including 1-2-1 services
  • Option to become a Virtualgo2 affiliate and earn 20% of the price as a payment for each purchase made using your product affiliate link
  • Membership is in your business’s name for use for your business
  • Your named VA* has unlimited access to all of the resources and support shown in the Multi-client Edition list to use for your business in line with your decisions and systems.
  • Updates and resources in the Toolkit to match new & changed requirements plus tech improvements that become available in the fast-changing market
  • You can attend the weekly group implementation and support sessions as well as your VA
  • You also get free access to my Basics of UK GDPR online course (normal price £99) with a certificate, which fulfils the requirement for your basic training at least annually in line with the legislation
  • You can join the training Masterclasses with your VA for key issues and any changes to data protection requirements (non-members pay £27 for each recording)
  • You will also have access to the Step-by-Step and Shiny Facebook Community Group
  • Member’s 20% discount on all eligible Virtualgo2 services (current and yet to be released), including 1-2-1 services for your VA and you
  • You and your VA have the option to become a Virtualgo2 affiliate and earn 20% of the price as a payment for each purchase made using your product affiliate link

I am launching this amazing membership programme at a special price for 10 Founder members. This will allow the Founder Members and me to shape the programme to make it as effective as possible for everyone.

VAs and Small Business Owners on the Waiting list will be the first to know as soon as the Step-by-Step options are activated for purchase. You will have priority for the limited places!

This is what the Founders Offer includes in addition to what’s shown above:

Founder Member Annual Price – Only £450

  • No price rises for membership or whatever changes, additions or improvements I make to it. You get everything shown above for the Edition that you choose at the same low Founders annual rate forever
  • Extra 1-2-1 support – 2 x 30-minute 1-2-1 calls for use when you need extra help during the 12-month membership (current price is £99 per session)
  • Live online training sessions as part of some of the weekly implementation support sessions for the first 12 weeks, as needed or requested. The recordings will be added to the Toolkit resources for later use.
  • Direct input into the development of the membership and Toolkit to make them work better for you

Not sure if this is for you? Talk to me – I guarantee there will be no hard sell. This is either right for you or it isn’t!

If you think it might be but have questions, book an Introductory call with me and get your answers.

Talk to me – Book a Free Call

When you sign up for or purchase a Virtualgo2 product or service, you will be subscribed to my SBU News & Tips (if you aren’t already!) to keep you aware of important changes to compliance requirements and get great tech tips. You’ll also get details of my latest Virtualgo2 shenanigans, plus exclusive special offers for your business. You may unsubscribe at any time (but I hope you won’t want to). Check VG2’s Privacy Notice for details of how your personal data is handled with care.

*Small Business Update