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In the meantime, if you have a compliance worry or your digital tools don’t make you happy, book a FREE 20-minute Introductory Chat with me to explore your options. I guarantee I will give you straight answers without any salesy stuff!

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If you haven’t already, join my Jargon-free and Shiny Facebook group. This is a safe space where you can get all of the following for free:

  • Answers to your questions.
  • Important UK GDPR data protection news as soon as it hits the internet.
  • Shiny tech information – new apps, software and platforms that would work well for solo business owners and ideas to improve your operations.
  • Input from fellow professional VA business owners (and me!).
  • Share your ideas on easy ways of solving data protection or tech-related issues.
  • Simple practical suggestions and business tips.

I run Free occasional Training Workshops in the Group to share important information with you.  Join us there!