Common-sense GDPR Part 3

This is the third and concluding instalment of my common-sense GDPR series (for now…).

There are just three items left to cover:

Common-sense GDPR Part 3• what about your suppliers

• make sure that GDPR is part of everything that you do in your business, and finally,

• make sure you check everything regularly.

What about your suppliers?

The point here is if you’re going to the extent of fulfilling your GDPR obligations and responsibilities, you don’t want to be let down by other people.

When you take on new suppliers, or when you set up your GDPR arrangements carry out your due diligence. Check up to see that your suppliers meet the required standards, that the right standards are applied across the board. Nowhere within your supply chain should be letting you down and putting everybody at risk by having dodgy GDPR practices.

Make GDPR part of anything that you do.

Baked-in is the target to aim for because this will give you the easiest positive GDPR results. If you’re going to make any changes, maybe to a supplier or a platform that you use, or a processing system that you have in place, make sure that you’re assessing it fully from the very beginning. You can see the connection between this and the previous point.

Make sure that you check everything is working as intended regularly.

We all know, within any business, and with anything that you’re doing you can get distracted. Have a simple schedule to take a look at the elements of your GDPR practices, and make sure that the results are recorded. It’s all very well saying what you do but you must be able to prove it.

As you will have realised, these common-sense GDPR Rules of Thumb aren’t enough in themselves but should give you a slightly different perspective on the regulations.

If you missed my two previous posts on this subject, here are the links: Part 1 & Part 2.

If you want to know more, look out for upcoming blog posts or hop over to my Jargon-free GDPR Facebook community group. I run a free Jargon-free GDPR Workshop on the first Wednesday of every month on important issues that affect business owners like you.

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