How to be a Great VA – Tech Matters

Tech Matters

How to be a great VA – Tech Matters. Indeed, tech does matter because being a virtual assistant means you have no choice but to use a myriad of digital tools like apps, software, and platforms. On top of that, there are your various devices, including those that make it possible for you to connect to the internet. It can all go so wrong so quickly.

When you add all of the above multiplied by the number of your clients and their digital tools and… On second thoughts, it might be better not to think about everything at once!

How to be a Great VA - Tech Matters

Where do you start?

If you are just starting, then choosing what tools and devices you use is the most practical. However, as you are reading this, I would guess that ship has sailed.

You still have options and choices if the app, software or platform isn’t delivering what you need. That’s when taking your time to find a better alternative will be well spent.

Making the Right Choice of app, software or Platform

This post doesn’t focus on the decision-making process for a best-fit digital tool for your business or your client. Read about my process for this in my blog post: Choosing the Right Digital Tools.

Tech Matters – Essential Set-up Issues

Whether you’ve acquired a completely new digital tool or have been working with the same one for ages, you should still take the time to check such matters as:

  • Settings – have you set it up to work effectively and safely?
  • Functionality and Ease of Use – is it time-consuming and is the UI intuitive?
  • Cost-effectiveness – is what you pay & the time it takes to use it giving you acceptable ROI
  • Changes – is all as you think it should be or has something changed in the level of service or how it works?

These are some of the most important aspects to be aware of but the list isn’t exhaustive. Let’s look at each a little more closely with some examples:


Never accept the default settings of any tool! That means default passwords, privacy or security settings. If you aren’t sure what the best options are, use the tool’s tutorials and support or search online for reliable independent sources, YouTube videos and experts. Take the time to get these right and you will save yourself a lot of problems later on.

Functionality and Ease of Use

You can try a demo or trial before you buy but do you review how you are getting on with your digital tool at regular intervals? Don’t buy or be brave; return or cancel it if it doesn’t work well for you and get something that does.


This has nothing to do with how much you paid. If you can earn more money than it costs without using loads of your time (and sanity), then it’s a bargain. If that’s not the case, then a different solution is probably the answer. This applies just as much to free tools – they aren’t free if you are paying with your time and risk.

Beware sunk costs – resisting change because of having invested so much in something even though it isn’t the best option. Yes, I am a sufferer of this. When I have invested time, money and effort into a particular platform, app or software I have to give myself a strong talking to to make a change for my own benefit. If you are the same – sit yourself down and speak clearly!

There are so many solutions out there that will streamline your work rather than clinging to whatever clunky tool you have used since dial-up modems were the norm (OK, you may not be that old but I couldn’t think of anything else at short notice).


Sometimes functionality of a tool is changed by the developers. I own up to buying new digital tools on lifetime offers quite often. I also confess that I don’t always get around to setting them up and using them immediately because, well, life… I’m aware that changes can happen with any app, software or platform and sometimes those changes won’t be to your benefit.

For example, I use a platform called Voomly for my online courses. Last year, it changed direction towards offering a video funnel service. As a legacy owner, I am still able to home my online courses there but the development as a course platform has pretty much stalled. I will move to another platform when I have done my homework.

How to be a Great VA – Tech Matters: A Simple Summary (Infographic)

Ho to be a great VA - Tech Matters

Tech is a way of life for Online VAs & Small Businesses

As I said at the beginning of this article, you have little or no choice other than to use digital tools and devices when you are a virtual assistant or a small business owner working online either wholly or partially.

You always have a choice of which tool or device to use based on what you want it to do, how it achieves that, and the cost in time and money.

What about accessing your client’s digital dashboards

I’ve summarised one of the most common security risks I am asked about by VAs and small business owners, sharing login credentials.

Breaking the terms and conditions of an app or platform is a risk because the account can be closed down(Netflix password sharing anyone?). Worse than this would be in the event of a security incident. No protection or support would be available to you or your or your client’s business.

As a VA, discuss access to your client’s platforms, etc., as part of your initial discussions. Security is never optional, especially if personal data is being processed. It is one of the fundamentals of your compliance responsibilities.

How to be a Great VA – Tech Matters: If you want to know more…

As always, I can help you, if you’ll let me! Go to my Jargon-free and Shiny Facebook group and post a question or leave your thoughts for the community members to see and share their own. Get some guidance on what type of help would best suit you and your needs – book a 20-minute Introductory call with me. Either of these options is free. Ignoring risks or making a bad choice most definitely isn’t!